Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Make Dehydration, Reduce Consumption It's Time Fasting

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Make Dehydration, Reduce Consumption It's Time Fasting


Jakarta, One of the health problems that often approached people who are performing fasting is dehydration. Although for beginners this state can not be distinguished from the general thirst. But actually the emergence of the risk of dehydration is determined by specific foods or beverages consumed during breaking or dawn. One of the types of drinks that need to be shunned so as not to dehydration ie coffee. "" Coffee relative makes a lot of urination. The term is diuretic, "said Dr. Ahmad Fuady, MSc-HPEL, Head of Family Doctor's Clinic, Faculty of Medicine UI Kayu Putih, on detikHealth and written Wednesday (17/06/2015). Especially when the coffee consumed alone or not accompanied by different consumption, continued Dr. Ahmad. Because if consumed alone, coffee can cause a stomach acid increase that causes bad for those who are moving fasting. It is also in conjunction with Prof Dr Endang L Achadi, MPH, Dr. PH. from the Campus Health Faculty of Indonesia. "" Coffee is indeed so, causing the impact of diuretic, which resulted in more discharge of body fluids or urine, to more easily thirsty, "" he explained in a separate opportunity. Also read: Do It For The Day Early Fasting Does Not Feel Heavy In addition to coffee, fried is also often accused of absorbing more fluid body until some people fasting so prone to thirst and dehydration. Responding to this kind of thing, dr Ahmad mentions that it karna gorengan have high salt content. "" Salt will also increase the chance of dehydration, "" he said. Even though Prof. Endang has an opinion even though the opportunity exists, but its impact on dehydration is not very important. Read also: Tired Continually During the Day? Can So Because Less Drink So what to do? To avoid dehydration, Prof. Endang tells the list of foods that need to be shunned at meal time so that dehydration is not easy to approach. What are they? First, do not eat very much food that has a salt content. Because according to Prof. Endang, salt can draw water from the liquid in the body and then hold it on the sidelines of the cell, until not spread to the body. The 2nd, stay away from drinking coffee. "If you really want to drink coffee, an hour before imsak or imsak time to drink more drinking water. This is to replace the body fluids that are removed because of the impact of coffee, "" explained Chairman of the Medical Association of Medical Nutrition Indonesia (PDGMI) it. Third, it is better not to eat spicy foods or very have fiber because it can inhibit the absorption of some nutrients and cause weakness in the fasting worship. "" Vegetables that have high fiber exchanged with vegetables that do not share much, but the basis must remain balanced, "" he said. (lll / vit)



Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Sigapnya Gesundheitsbeauftragter bei Senna Station Mudik Post

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Sigapnya Gesundheitsbeauftragter bei Senna Station Mudik Post


Jakarta, die zunehmende Anzahl von Reisenden in Pasar Senen Station fünf Tage vor Idul Fitri Feier, so dass die Offiziere arbeiten mehr extra. Einer der Mitarbeiter des Gesundheitswesens, die sich schnell mit Reisenden beschäftigen, die sich ungesund fühlen. Ein Reisender, der sich vor der Abreise krank fühlte, war Rate (60), der nach Jatibarang, Indramayu, fahren würde. Wenn gefunden, tetikHealth, Dienstag (20/06/2017) RateM wurde von medizinischen Mitarbeitern mit einem Rollstuhl auf die Gesundheit Post Station Pasar Senen gerichtet. Plötzlich kann Nyesek, Baseball laufen. Dann gibt es ein Nyamperin erzählt, einen Rollstuhl zu tragen, ujarnya.Ratem, der nach Hause ging allein behauptet, seine eigenen Drogen gebracht zu haben, aber nicht betrunken, weil die Droge verursacht häufige Wasserlassen Effekte.Lesen Sie auch: Message Menkes für Railroad Reisende, Keep Health and Nicht Maksa Nach der Untersuchung durch Gesundheitspersonal stellt sich heraus, dass sein Blutdruck steigt. Ihr Blutdruck ist 180/100, hoch ja. Trinken Sie die Medizin, erzählen Sie einem Gesundheitspersonal am Gesundheitsposten.





Nach Gesundheit Offizier Pasar Senen Station, Riski, Beschwerden in der Regel von Reisenden, die krank sind mag, Schwindel und Schwäche. Um diese Beschwerden zu behandeln, bereiten Gesundheitsposten Notfallmedikamente vor. Für Werkzeuge wie Sauerstoff, Zerstäuber und einfache Labortests existieren wir auch, also wenn jederzeit Notwendigkeit Behandlung sofort getan werden kann, sagte er zu detikHealth.Riski beraten Reisende, um den Zustand seines Körpers zu halten und das Muster der Nährstoffe einzustellen, die vorher verbraucht werden und während du nach Hause gehst. Denn wenn die Gesundheit gestört ist, werden auch die Heimkehrer gestört. Lesen Sie auch: Körpersignale "Bitte" Ruhe verständlicherweise Pemudik (fds / up)





Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Suggerimenti per mantenere Miss V Pulizia Evitare Whitish


Suggerimenti per mantenere Miss V Pulizia Evitare Whitish


Giacarta, anche se comunemente vissuta da ragazze adolescenti e donne adulte, è stata classificata come innaturale quando ha un odore biancastro e colorato. Pertanto, deve prestare attenzione alla pulizia della signorina V. Secondo il dott. Noviyanti, SpOG dell'ospedale Mayapada di Tangerang, mantenere la pulizia della signorina V è molto importante per una donna. Oltre a causare perdite vaginali, una zona malsana di Miss V causerà altre malattie come il cancro cervicale. Per evitare perdite vaginali anomale, devi lavare Miss V usando acqua di rubinetto pulita che scorre. Evita anche il modo sbagliato di cebok (dai glutei in avanti), ha detto il dr. Novi nella chat dal vivo 'Whitishes and Problems of Woman' tenuto da detikHealth e detikForum in AFP, Jalan Warung Jati Barat, Giacarta meridionale, giovedì (20 / 4) /2017). Leggi anche: Vuoi mantenere Miss V pulizia con Douching? Note It It It First It It It, It is not recommended to use soap lavamani per le donne, poiché interferirebbe con il pH della vagina. Notare anche la pulizia dell'area Miss V indossando biancheria intima di cotone che assorbe facilmente il sudore per evitare l'infezione del tratto riproduttivo da parte di vari germi, funghi o parassiti. Quindi, sii diligente nel cambiare la biancheria intima almeno due o tre volte al giorno. Se è umido, sostituiscilo bene, ha detto questo bellissimo dottore. Evitare l'abitudine di scambiare la biancheria intima con gli altri e l'abitudine di usare un asciugamano insieme, sambungnya lagi.Pada diverse donne che spesso sperimentano biancastre scelgono di usare il salvaslip perché è considerato più pratico di dover cambiare i pantaloni costantemente. E secondo il dott. Novi, l'uso del pantalone dovrebbe essere usato prima e dopo le mestruazioni. Leggi anche: Stanchi e lo stress possono causare biancastri (hrn / vit)